Cornwall Garden Society Spring Show. 06.04.13
How lovely to be back in Cornwall for the Spring Show. The sun seems to have come out for the first time this year
and the show looked marvellous. I travelled down with Gustav in his remarkable car (of which I will speak no further).
He dearly loves to surf from the beaches in Newquay. I met Gloria on arrival. She has spent the week sleeping in a tent on the cliffs
of West Penwith hoping to catch sight of a Basking Shark. She gets very excited by big fish.

The beautiful weather brought out the crowds and the attendance was excellent. I was lucky enough to meet a lot of old friends
and avoid a lot of others, a double blessing. Gloria had got sand in her camera while shark spotting so she has used her old steam powered model.
I think the steam was coming from the camera - it was a jolly hot day.

It has been a cold spring which has held back the daffodils long enough to make a fine display. The competition classes were well filled
and the large growers has impressive displays on show. There had been a heavy frost overnight that came close to spoiling the flowers
but daffodils are tough old things and by the time the show opened everything was perfect.

There were two amusing dead dogs on display. This one was stuffed with green stuff that I woud hesitate to identify. The other was studded with
Sempervivum which will keep it from being struck by lightning, if old wives are to be believed. Despite the
planting it was looking a little ragged and was clearly not going to live forever.

This show usually presents one of the best competions for Camellia in the country and even a week of frosts had failed to
blight the enthusiasm of the exhibitors. This is 'Jury's Yellow' looking as good as I have ever seen it, glowing under the lights
in the stables.

This giant Edgeworthia chrysantha was attracting a lot of attention on the stand of one of the nurseries. A splendid ready made shrub
for the spring garden, and very reasonably priced. Unfortunately it was in a very large pot and the car park is a considerable distance away
and up a hill. Easier to covet than to carry if I'm not mistaken.

The show is well furnished with refreshment facilities and the produce marquee has some excellent local cooks and manufacturers
so it was a happy chance that the weather permitted so many people to rest and take tea on this sunny slope looking out over the
wonderful Cornish Landscape. The journey home was full of optimism. Gustav grazed his shoulder surfing and requires frequent applications of ointment.
Gloria has yet to swim with a shark. There is always next year.